samedi 15 novembre 2014

I finished The Walking Dead season 2. I don't care what happened, i live in denial.
Btw, this is the first time  i draw for almost a month. Super weird.

dimanche 12 octobre 2014

I don't have time to draw since i'm back in school yeh
I planned to draw so many characters and environnements and i was so motivated, but now all this motivation is gone and all i do every day is modeling cubes with Maya.

mercredi 1 octobre 2014

Quand j'étais petite Duncan MacLeod c'était mon namoureux, en plus il avait une péniche sur la Seine. 
Trop. classe. Nothing can compete with 90's series ! (when you start talking shit like this you know you get older)

vendredi 26 septembre 2014


Oh man i love these new brushes.
I dumped space for early twentieth century colonial era.

mardi 23 septembre 2014

Couple of rough color key tests for my space project. I had some fun with new brushes as well

samedi 6 septembre 2014


No mater how hard i try, i can't do design and shape. Realism forever, i fear.

lundi 1 septembre 2014

I started watching Masters of Sex, which turned out to be a surprisingly pleasant show.
Virginia's son is the cuttest.

samedi 16 août 2014

untitled space project

untitled space project

I wanted to know what these two would look like in a realistic style. I've been through hell looking for pictures of acne scars on google. Yeurk (yes he's got acne scars on his cheeks)

speed painting

At first it was supposed to be trees under the snow and my mum pointed out one of them looked like a eagle  flying over a snowy mountain, and i though it was way much cooler.

jeudi 7 août 2014

Irish Pub

It was suppose to be a quick scketch and it ended up with tons of props so...i'll finish it later

vendredi 1 août 2014

dimanche 6 juillet 2014

Holidays !

I remember having this weird stuffed animals you put on your security belt to prevent from getting hurt when you're a child, i liked them very much.

Teen Zoe

vendredi 4 juillet 2014


Here's the very short movie i  made with 3 classmates in 3 months for the Abbe Pierre Fondation

I'm particularly proud of the end credits haha

>> Zoe <<

dimanche 29 juin 2014


Some part of the work i did on the short movie for the Abbé Pierre Fondation, supporting homeless people.